Saturday, November 5, 2011

How to Open and set your UTAU

I realize I didn't go into detail with this in my tutorials... and it's important. My sincerest apologies everyone! So here's a guide of how to open and set your desired UTAU as the current singer.

Method 1 - If you're UTAU is not in the UTAU folder in your program files....

  1. Open UTAU
  2. "Tools"--> "Options..." --> Second Tab (Bank Register)
  3. Press "select" and look for you're UTAU's voice bank folder on your computer
  4. Select and open "a" (it can be in romaji or hiragana)
  5. Set the name if it hasn't been already
  6. Press Add (they will now show up in the bank reg. list)
  7. To assign them as the current singer, select their name and press set-->OK
  8. They should be the current singer. If not, try method 2 after doing this method...

Method 2 -If you're UTAU is in the UTAU folder in your program files or already set.....

  1. Open UTAU
  2. File-->New
  3. Under the "Voice Bank" drop down list, select your UTAU
  4. Press OK
  5. Make them sing!

I hope this clears things up!